LACCD Trustee

Nancy Pearlman’s accomplishments and efforts are many, including but not limited to:
•  Leading efforts to have a sustainability policy that has billions of dollars in bond money spent ecologically and economically
•  Supporting Comprehensive Master Plan Drafts and Draft Environmental Impact Reports to be brought to a Committee of the Whole
•  Getting used supplies and equipment recycled and reused through an internet distribution rather than putting items in trash
•  Providing a voice for adjunct faculty in their push for equity
•  Lobbying the California legislature for equal (to the university system) support to the community colleges
•  Encouraging Committee of the Whole discussions and hearings on policies
•  Working on establishing new certificated programs such as for "green" and eco-tech jobs
•  Voting against settlement of cases when the LACCD was not at fault (supported going to trial)
•  Supporting partnering with area parks and agencies located near campuses for innovative activities and land utilization
•  Working on establishing new certificated programs such as for Park Management and Design
•  Raising level of involvement of Trustees as representatives of the LACCD
•  Advocating for ergonomic furniture and healthy work stations (elimination of toxics, etc.)

Nancy Pearlman’s Continued Goals:
•  Keep availability of classes and keep class sizes small
•  Utilize district-wide coordination for program offerings to reduce duplication
•  Have quality food service at all campuses
•  Obtain more foundation grants for regular programs and faculty chairs
•  Fight state budget cuts to community colleges
•  Remove requirement for college buildings to be approved by the State Architect (to avoid a six to twelve-month average delay)
•  Ensure that thorough evaluations of all employees be conducted regularly
•  Maintain high teaching standards
•  Promote opportunities in all local communities of college offerings with satellite classes

Some of Nancy Pearlman’s Guiding Principles:
ecological wisdom, grassroots democracy, social justice, nonviolence, sustainability, community-based economics, feminism, respect for diversity, and global responsibility.